Maintenance of QMS after ISO 9001 Certification

 Initializing ISO 9001 isn't a simple task and once the certification is passed successfully, it'd appear that the most important a part of the work is completed . But, don’t rest on your laurels for long because the important job together with your QMS is close to start. Once you begin maintaining the standard Management System(QMS), you'll see that passing the certification isn't a drag or stressful if all activities required by the quality are performed.

Very often, Organizationare unsure what must be done before the surveillance audit, and thus don’t gather the specified information or perform the required activities. This usually leads to calling the Certification Body to form a fix and help them formally pass the certification audit. this is often only a fast fix and doesn’t really bring the Organization any value except having the certificate for formally complying with the quality . But, having the certificate for several years and harvesting no real benefits for the corporate , people start wondering the way to put their QMS to figure .

Go from decide to Do phase

Developing procedures is simpler than implementing them. make sure the procedures are followed takes longer than writing them. Once the procedures are written, it'll take a while to coach employees to follow them. Yes, the bulk of the activities were already performed even without the quality , but those new ones need time to be adopted by the workers . that's why it's important to boost awareness of the method owners first so as to make sure that they're going to enforce the procedures among the workers . It will definitely require filling in some additional records and keeping track of activities, but within the end, you'll have more data to research during the management review and this may assist you make decisions supported facts instead of assumptions.


As mentioned above, it's the new activities will certainly require additional training of the workers . the quality provides the corporate with the framework on the way to identify the wants and plan the training along side the requirements to live training effectiveness. The systematic approach to competence will help the corporate not only to realize it regarding the quality requirements, but also for other processes also . And also, measuring training effectiveness will provides you with information on how people are really competent rather than just collecting certificates.

Control of outsourcing partners and suppliers

It looks like reinventing the wheel, but there aren't many companies that have a structured approach to the present topic. In most cases they believe gut feeling and price, but these aren’t the sole criteria for deciding which supplier to rent or which supplier to rent again. longer it's good to prevent for a second and define what you actually expect from your supplier, and if it's already transformed into the procedure, you simply got to evaluate the suppliers at planned intervals. Few of them left an honest impression a couple of years ago, but are they still up to the task?

Monitoring and measuring

Measuring and monitoring should provide you with information on the status of a system, process, or activities within your QMS. If you found out the measuring and monitoring process correctly, it'll provide you with information about the performance of your processes. If it notdo correctly, this is often something that must be considered during subsequent management review.

Customer satisfaction

What is customer satisfaction?

ISO 9001 defines customer satisfaction as a customer’s perception of the degree to which the customer’s requirements are fulfilled. Above definition clearly explain that customer satisfaction may be a subjective judgment of whether their requirements (not the contractual obligations) are fulfilled. It also points out that customer satisfaction isn't a yes/no issue, but a variety of various levels of satisfaction.

Another aspect should be taken into consideration. Namely, it’s not always the case that the client who doesn't complain may be a satisfied client, and therefore the one who complains may be a dissatisfied customer. On the contrary, fairly often unsatisfied customers don’t complain on to the provider, but complain to their friends and relatives, which constructs negative image for the provider, i.e., for your company. On the opposite side, there are clients who might complain on to the corporate even in cases once they are generally satisfied by the service/product, but they need to urge something more, like additional features. If these complaints are handled properly, these customers, or maybe the foremost dissatisfied customers, can find yourself having a positive attitude regarding your company. Additionally, you'll use the complaints from the purchasers as feedback for improving your business (through improving your operations, employees, suppliers, etc.). ISO 9001 Certification states that “the Organization shall monitor information concerning customer perception on whether the corporate has met customer requirements” together indicator for the effectiveness of the QMS.

Being one among the foremost important principles behind ISO 9001 Certification, customer focus is demonstrated through monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction. the corporate must define how and the way often it'll conduct surveys to work out the extent of customer satisfaction. Having relevant information on how the purchasers perceive the corporate may be a valuable input for further development of the products and services and therefore the Organization itself.

Check and Act phases

Gathering to gather relevant information about the system through measuring and monitoringand follow the method procedure will enable top management to exercise the last principle of ISO 9001, which is evidence-based deciding . an in depth and thorough internal audit will provide you with additional information not only about the extent of compliance, but also about the condition of your entire system. along side other information gathered from the organization along the way, the highest management are going to be ready to conduct good, value-added management review and make decisions that cause continual improvement of the system and therefore the company.

External audit without stress

Having of these elements of the system in situ means having the important QMS, the one that basically works in favor of the corporate . of these elements also are the primary place where the auditors are going to be looking, so having this covered will prepare you for the audit better than any consultant.

Visit : iso 9001 in israel


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